in Web and Tech

Initial thoughts on the Trusty Tahr

Who can resist upgrading to an LTS release of Ubuntu? Definitely not me. So I proceeded to upgrade my 13.10 Saucy Salamander system to the 14.04 Trusty Tahr. It took several hours (about 5 hours I think, I can’t be sure) on my home 2Mbps connection to complete the entirely automated process.

Booting up is still blazingly fast. The interface appears the same but I like the fresh new set of wallpapers and that they now allow taskbar icons to go smaller than the previous minimum of 32. App installation is still a breeze, either via the terminal or via the built-in Software Center.

So far, so good.

Will update this post as notable observations come along as I go through the motions of using this new system.

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