Live beneath your means. //
Return everything you borrow. //
Stop blaming other people. //
Admit it when you make a mistake. //
Give clothes not worn to charity. //
Do something nice and try not to get caught. //
Listen more; talk less. //
Everyday take a 30-minute walk. //
Strive for excellence, not perfection. //
Be on time. //
Don’t make excuses. //
Don’t argue. //
Get organized. //
Be kind to people. //
Be kind to unkind people. //
Let someone cut ahead of you in line. //
Take time to be alone. //
Cultivate good manners. //
Be humble. //
Realize and accept that life isn’t fair. //
Know when to keep your mouth shut. //
Go an entire day without criticizing anyone. //
Learn from the past. //
Plan for the future. //
Live in the present. //
Don’t sweat the small stuff. //
It’s all small stuff.
— from a Quaker newsletter